Ajira digital programme

Listen The approval ratings for the government’s Ajira Digital Programme remains high, survey by the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) states. The Programme launched in 2016 aims to link one million Kenyan youth annually to access dignified work through digital platforms over three years. In a survey conducted by the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) […]

Value addition chain for leather

Listen Key government interventions Kenya Leather Development Council: This is the sector’s main support agency in the Government for public and private with the goal of transforming the leather value chain into a vibrant value-adding and export-oriented one. Draft Kenya Leather Development Policy: The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives, Kenya Leather Development Council […]

The leather value chain

Listen The Kenyan leather value chain includes livestock farmers, livestock traders, butcheries, slaughter facilities owners, hides and skins traders and exporters, tanners, artisanal footwear and leather footwear manufacturers, and goods manufacturers. An abundant and diversified resource base includes cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, camels, rabbits, crocodiles, ostrich and fish. According to the Leather Value Chain Investment […]

Tanneries and leather products

Listen The Government has prioritised the leather goods and footwear sector under the Kenya Industrial Transformation Programme (KITP), Kenya Vision 2030 and the Big 4 Agenda. The sector is regarded as a prime driver for the country’s industrialization with focus on achieving the following by 2022: Increase exports from $140 million (2017) to $500 million […]

Special economic zones (SEZs)

Listen The International Finance Corporation (IFC) provided technical support through its Kenya Competitiveness Enhancement Programme (KCEP) to the Special Economic Zones (SEZ) Authority to launch a one-stop-shop web portal www.sezauthority.go.ke  in August 2021, IFC is a member of the World Bank Group. The new portal has boosted communication to potential investors on opportunities available in […]

Apparel manufacturing

Listen Background Kenya has the opportunity to establish a strong domestic and international footprint in textile and apparel manufacturing through the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) which opened up the US market for finished textile products. This would be a firm foundation for propelling Kenya into middle income status and creating gainful employment for […]

Cotton processing and ginning

Listen Background The Cotton, Textile and Apparel (CTA) industry is remains largely labor-intensive and employs both semi-skilled and un-skilled workers and hence a key contributor to rural livelihoods. Specifically, about 200,000 households and an estimated 40,000 farmers rely on proceeds from cotton growing. The value chain includes cotton production, ginning, spinning, and weaving, apparel production […]

Trade apparels and leather

Listen Background The Ministry of Industrialisation Trade and Enterprise Development prepared and approved Kenya’s first ever comprehensive industrialisation road map, which identified the following priority areas under the Third Medium Term Plan (MTP III): Critical sectors with scale such as Tea, Cut Flowers, Coffee and Horticulture Leveraging of natural advantages to create competitive sectors that […]