In Pictures: 2022 General elections update

Chuka/Igambang’ombe constituency tallying centre, at the Chuka Boys High School in Tharaka-Nithi County. Photo: Hilary Mwenda


Ballot boxes containing ballot papers of the 2022 general election in Kenya, are placed in a queue awaiting verification by the constituency returning officer at the Manyatta Constituency. Photo: Hilary Mwenda


A Security personnel keeps watch over electoral material at the Manyatta Constituency tallying centre. Photo: Hilary Mwenda


Presiding officers check through their documents, in readiness to present them to the constituency returning officer at the Manyatta Constituency tallying centre. Photo: Hilary Mwenda


Electoral materials at the Maara constituency tallying centre, based at Chogoria Boys High School in Tharaka-Nithi county.


IEBC presiding officers countercheck their materials at the Central Imenti constituency tallying centre, in Meru County.


IEBC officials including the constituency returning officers at the Central Imenti constituency tallying centre.



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