General elections 2022 updates in pictures

The Maka Water project office polling station in Meru county. Photo: Hilary Mwenda


Voters confirm their names at their polling stations, before queuing to cast their votes during the 2022 general elections. Photo: Hilary Mwenda


Voters line up to cast their votes at the Central Park, Laikipia County during the 2022 general elections. Photo: Hilary Mwenda


Voters casts their votes at the Central Park, Laikipia County during the 2022 general elections. Photo: Hilary Mwenda


A police officer casts his votes at the Acacia Playground polling station in Isiolo county, during the 2022 general elections in Kenya. Photo: Hilary Mwenda


Voters at Timau Primary school during the 2022 elections. Photo: Hilary Mwenda


A voter casts his vote at the Maka Water project office polling station during the 2022 general elections. Photo: Hilary Mwenda


A Solar powered lighting used in the 2022 general elections. Photo: Hilary Mwenda


The Presiding Officer at the Makutano Market in North Imenti Meru county, breaks the seals to start the votes counting process after the polling station was officially closed. Photo: Hilary Mwenda


The Presiding Officer at Njuri Ncheke polling station, showcases ballot papers to political agents and observers during the tallying of the votes. Photo: Hilary Mwenda


IEBC election clerks pack ballot boxes at the Kithoka Primary School polling station in Meru county during the 2022 elections. Photo: Hilary Mwenda
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